The Fattypants Papers

Fattypants writes about things that have actually happened to her...sometimes. Other times she writes about things that could have happened, but instead she made them up while going about her perfectly ordinary business. The 'Pants also reviews things like books, movies, foofie bath products, and anything else that strikes her fancy.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

SRP Book Review #29

Full House by Janet Evanovich

334 pages

Written before the Stephanie Plum series started, this is really a typical romance novel that shows a few hints of the humor and mystery that make the Plum books so good.

I really don't have anything else to say. Oh, except three of the main characters are named Billie, Joel, and Christie, and I'm sure it was written when Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley were still married. It took me most of the book to notice this.


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