The Fattypants Papers

Fattypants writes about things that have actually happened to her...sometimes. Other times she writes about things that could have happened, but instead she made them up while going about her perfectly ordinary business. The 'Pants also reviews things like books, movies, foofie bath products, and anything else that strikes her fancy.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

SRP Book Review #25

Cracks by Sheila Kohler

165 pages

Cracks is the story of a murder at a South African girls' boarding school. One of the 13 girls on the swim team disappears, and the rest of them come back for a reunion several years later. The story switches back and forth between present day and when they were students. The book is written in the first person, but there isn't a singular pronoun in the entire narration, so we never know which of the girls is telling the story, if it is even one of them in particular.

Sometimes it seemed a little overstylized and pretentious to me. It reminded me a little bit of Picnic at Hanging Rock, a movie that I hated, although I did ultimately like the book in the end.

Most importantly, and not a given in an arty, literary story about a murder, is that we actually get to find out what happened. I wasn't too worried, because the book came highly recommended from someone who hates artsily ambiguous mystery resolutions, but still.


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