The Fattypants Papers

Fattypants writes about things that have actually happened to her...sometimes. Other times she writes about things that could have happened, but instead she made them up while going about her perfectly ordinary business. The 'Pants also reviews things like books, movies, foofie bath products, and anything else that strikes her fancy.

Monday, August 28, 2006

SRP Book Review #27

Violets are Blue by James Patterson

393 pages

James Patterson is a great plotter, but not such a great writer. This book took me less than 24 hours to finish, which is typical of his books, and if they took any longer, I wouldn't bother.

This was one of his Alex Cross books. The mystery Alex is trying to solve this time is a string of murders all across the country that appear to be committed by vampires. Everything unfolds about how you'd expect, especially if you've watched enough episodes of CSI and The X-Files.

The vampire murders are wrapped up about 80 pages before the end of the book, and then there's some business with a subplot involving someone who's been stalking Alex, which really wasn't very interesting, nor was the identity of the stalker particularly surprising, considering the "subtle" hints throughout the rest of the book.


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